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Query Letter Edit

$20 for one pass, $25 for two passes

When you’re querying a project to agents or small presses, nothing is as important as your query letter. It’s the time to let the concept and promise of your story shine—but you only have about 300 words to do it! Lucky for me, I love editing queries. I’ll leave in-line suggestions and comments to help you tighten your word count and really pack a punch, all while making sure your stakes are clear.

Synopsis Edit


Oh, the beloved synopsis. Who knew it could be so hard to summarize your own work? Often as writers we lose the forest for the trees, but I love the detail-oriented work of digging into a synopsis to ensure it makes sense, reads clearly, and has just enough of your voice to keep things interesting without distracting from the overall practical purpose of the document. I’ll leave in-line suggestions and comments!

Manuscript first 30 pages

$30 for one pass, $40 for two

 It’s sad but true — you could write a beautiful, amazing, relevant, fabulous book... but if the first pages aren’t strong, an agent, editor, or reader might not continue to see the rest. I love digging into these early pages where the stakes are high, helping writers set the scene without dumping info while always asking the vital question—are we starting in the right place? In an edit of a first chapter, I’ll leave in-line comments and larger notes and comments, with some larger developmental suggestions if they seem necessary.

Submission Package (30 pgs)


A combination of all the options above! 

Submission Package (10 pgs)


A combination of all the options above, but with a close look at the first 10 pages instead of 30.

Want to get started?
Just contact me!

Note: I used to offer beta reads, but I got maxxed out on time and am taking a break from offering up that service. I will be sure to post online when I am accepting new full manuscript clients!

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©2024 by Sarah T. Dubb

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