Demystifying Traditional Publishing
Saturday, February 15, 2025
10:30AM – 12:00PM
Woods Memorial Library
Tucson AZ
Are you a writer with a finished manuscript and no clue what to do now? Or a reader eager to learn more about how a book goes from draft to finished product? In this presentation, I'll walk you through the steps of traditional publishing—publishing a book with a large publisher. We’ll discuss the process of querying for literary agents, going on submission to publishers, and more. Come take a peek behind the publishing curtain!
The Soapbox
Tucson Improv Movement
Friday, February 28
7:30 pm
Tucson Improv Movement Theater
Tickets online the week before
At Tucson Improve Movement's Soapbox, four short and personal stories from a special guest inspire Tucson's premier improv comedy team. On February 28 I will be that guest! Ah!

Tucson Festival of Books
March 14-15
I am absolutely beside myself that I will be appearing at the Tucson Festival of Books this year as an author! I will be on panels both Saturday and Sunday, and have extra book signing sessions. Check back here or join my newsletter to get the full details closer to the festival.
Arizona Daily Star:
This Tucson author is flying high on her debut novel's widespread success
It would be stretching a point to suggest Tucson author Sarah T. Dubb wears her heart on her sleeve.
It’s actually on her arm, a white-crowned sparrow that was tattooed above Dubb’s left elbow years ago and now seems more comfortable than ever … especially since Dubb’s debut novel, “Birding with Benefits,” has become one of the summer’s most surprising hits.

A local librarian is debuting her first novel. Sarah T. Dubb, who works part time at Pima County Library, is the author of “Birding with Benefits.”

Scary Mommy: 8 Romance Novels Where The Protagonists Aren't 25
[Lately,] I’ve been deliberately seeking out reads where the characters are a bit older. Maybe they’re literally in their late 30s, 40s, or 50s, or maybe they’ve just got so much middle-aged energy that it delivers the reading experience I want regardless of their chronological age. Either way, here are some reads I’ve enjoyed or hope to enjoy in the near future. It’s not an exhaustive list, but it’ll get you started!

Dubb’s debut book shares this unaffected openness, particularly to the idea that birding and romance are perfect bedfellows. Yes, birds have long been associated with love—the poet Enheduanna, the first named author, wrote more than 4,000 years ago that a Sumerian love goddess was “like a bird.” But Dubb takes things to a new pitch. There is literally, literally, birding in the middle of a sex scene.

NPR Staffers Pick Their Favorite Fiction Reads of 2024
This sweet, fake-relationship romance follows the recently divorced empty-nester Celeste as she navigates life as a single woman, once again. This time around, she’s saying yes to life and shaking things up. She didn’t expect the shaking to bring in the sensitive, gentle giant that is John. Or his deep love of birds. Come for the romance but, beware, you might find yourself falling in love with John’s quiet, colorful world of birding yourself! — Christina Cala, senior producer, Code Switch

It might be offbeat, but it’s the perfect marriage for first-time Tucson author Sarah T. Dubb. Her debut romance novel hit the shelves in June, and it’s called "Birding With Benefits."
It tells the story of a recently divorced 40-something mom who meets a shy bird watcher and, well, romance ensues.
Dubb told The Show she didn’t grow up dreaming of seeing her book on a bookshelf, but that all changed when she fell in love with romance novels.